Kundalini Yoga
according to KRI has been known in the West since 1969. In Kundalini Yoga, the most important thing is the experience, and it goes straight to your heart. We also call it “Yoga of Consciousness”. It enables us to experience and live our full human potential. We open our inner eye to the truth and the essential, to feel it, to live it and then to integrate it.
Kundalini Yoga works on all aspects of our being: physical, mental and spiritual. It helps us nourish our physical and psychological well-being, balance our endocrine system, strengthen our nervous system and release emotional blocks. It calms the mind to deal with emotions more calmly.
Benefit from my clarity and experience. I am happy to share my passion with you and to accompany you as you grow!
Yin-Yoga is a calm, passive style of yoga that is mostly practiced lying down and sitting. In Yin Yoga, the postures are held for between three and seven minutes. In between, a harmonization takes place while lying down. While all muscles that are not needed are released in the exercises, you have time to transition into a calm, meditation-like state. Yin yoga intends to "tear open" deep-seated connective tissue, the so-called fascial tissue, to stretch muscles, ligaments and tendons and thus increase the freedom of movement of the body parts in relation to one another. Yin Yoga is a wonderful addition to and a balance to Kundalini Yoga.
My courses are aimed at beginners and advanced as well as at young and old.
You can find the current course schedule here: